【徵人】資深前端工程師 - LILEE SYSTEMS 理立系統股份有限公司
理立系統是智慧交通解決方案的領導者,於2009年在美國加州矽谷成立,創辦人擁有豐富的無線網路跟安控系統的市場專業經驗,自創立以來,已為北美70%以上的一級鐵道公司提供軟硬體整合服務,讓鐵道公司能符合美國聯邦政府制定的「主動式列車控制系統 (Positive Train Control)」鐵路安全規範。
近年來,理立系統將在鐵道產業累積的安控專業應用在其他運輸工具上,提供穩定不間斷的無線網路 (reliable wireless connectivity)、邊緣運算 (edge computing) 以及雲端管理平台 (cloud-based management platform),協助交通業者打造更安全、連網、便利、高效率的運輸服務。舊金山到矽谷間各大企業的員工接駁車,多已搭載理立系統的乘客上網服務 (passenger Wi-Fi services),員工於通勤時能與公司內網連線並進行流暢的視訊會議,幫助企業增加員工生產力。美國第五大的私人客運業者則配備了理立系統的 SafeRide™ 遠端監控系統 (video-based safety systems),提升乘客和司機的安全,也讓業者在遇到交通事故時,有效提供影像證據以釐清事故責任,降低營運風險。
T-Cloud(Transportation Cloud) 部門是理立雲端服務開發的核心團隊。T-Cloud的雲端應用所解決的問題是針對理立的通信設備(STS, LMS等針對交通產業開發的Enterprise Communication Gateways)提供設備數據的監控,設備的遠端設定,使用者管理,還有行車安全(SafeRide)等幾項Features。因著與台南市政府所合作進行的自駕公車項目,目前也正在開發自駕車的operation control center,在未來兩年希望成為亞洲tier-1的自駕公車整合商。除此之外,還有其他跟鐵路安全相關的Projects也都在進行中。T-Cloud成為設備端到使用者之間的資訊互動平台。
我們的Engineer和UX/UI團隊都在台灣,QA,DevOps和PO等其他Function部分在美國。工作進行實行Agile Scrum。每兩週為一個sprint。每日的Standup與美國同仁以英文開會。我們也是注重技術的提升的團隊。每週進行前後端一起的code review session,知識分享等。注重Team work,大家在一個辦公室一起討論溝通。固定一個in office的window,其他時間可彈性下上班。實踐Scrum的三個原則Transparency, Inspection, adaptation. 資訊透明,不斷檢視現況,做出及時調整。
新北市板橋區新站路16之1號24樓 遠百大樓
我們的Senior Front-End engineer 的工作內容如下:
◆ Function as subject matter expert and system architecture authority for frontend systems design & integration. Offer design leadership, input and manage system tradeoffs
◆ Define all aspects of development from appropriate technology and workflow to coding standards
◆ Lead architecture vision, design and documentation
◆ Provide technical guidance and coaching to junior developers and engineers
◆ Oversee progress of development team to ensure consistency with initial design
◆ Ensure software meets all requirements of quality, security, modifiability, extensibility
◆ Communicate technical needs, opportunities and constraints to team managers and executive leadership
◆ Represent technical team to program managers and executive leadership
◆ Develop new features using front end technology and work with backend developer to form and integrate service API.
◆ Fix bug and ensure look & feel consistency to improve product quality; Optimize application for maximum speed and scalability.
◆ Build reusable code and components / libraries for future use and advise UI/UX to produce design that is technically feasible with great user experience at the same time.
◆ Work with legacy system to deliver new features with constraints.
◆ Work with Agile framework, participating sprint planning, daily scrum, retro, and sprint demo/review.
◆ Work within a cross-functional team to break feature into implementation stories.
◆ Offer knowledge sharing session to promote continuous learning and participate fun team building events.
Must to have:
◆ Master semantical HTML5/CSS3
◆ Master in Typescript/Javascript
◆ Master in JS framework (We use Angular and NX)
◆ Experience with CSS preprocessor(preferably SCSS)/Any UI Frameworks(Material,Bootstrap, ◆ Fundation…)
◆ Proficient in using browser developer tool
◆ Ensure quality of code by writing tests and doing code reviews
◆ Understanding of clean code and clean architecture
◆ Build reusable code and libraries
◆ Understand Restful API and full-stack web development
◆ Proficient in using NPM, GIT
◆ Understand how to manage software dependencies. (ex. package.json, package-lock.json)
◆ Fluent with linux command lines and tools
◆ Working English writing and verbal communication
◆ Experience with D3, or any other JS visualization libraries
◆ Understand Network Topology (device configuration)
◆ Any WebRTC streaming experiences
◆ experience in implementing map related features
5.8萬到7.3萬/月 *14個月 <-這是Front-end Engineer. Senior 的話更多,以經歷能力面議。
◆ 分紅/配股 1.Stock options
◆ 保險類 1.勞保 2.健保 3.員工團保 4.職災保險
◆ 請 / 休假制度 1.週休二日 2.優於勞基法的休假制度
◆ 其他 1.健康檢查 2.自由取用零食區 3.慶生會及家庭日活動
◆ 補助類 1.停車費/交通費補助 2.電信費補助
Judy Yu