【徵人】IT Software Engineer - Technology Development (125067)(台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司)

【徵人】IT Software Engineer - Technology Development (125067)(台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司)




本團隊隸屬於美光總部Crop IT,管理方式較為美式,有出差至美國受訓的機會。


台中市后里區三豐路4段369號 (中部科學園區)


We are looking for a skilled Software Engineer that aspires to learn, enjoys working with others, loves to innovate, and can apply the right technologies to solve a wide range of software problems. To be a successful candidate, you must demonstrate a passion for learning new technogies, frameworks, development tools, and business domains. You must possess strong communication and problem solving skills, which you will use to work with customers and peers to analyze needs, fix problems, and collaboratively drive new application functionality and value. And you will be dedicated to the use of modern frameworks and technologies to create and maintain a wide variety of data analytics, data visualization, wafer mapping, and reporting solutions that enable Micron’s engineering teams to deliver products that power our customer’s innovation.



Qualified candidates will have good communication, problem solving skills, passion for learning, and ability to work in a team environment. Candidates should also be organized, motivated by challenges, enjoy technology, and willing to share their ideas. Ideal candidates will also have:

  • A clear focus on the customer service.
  • A drive to continuously learn and improve.
  • The ability to enjoy working with both customers and peers in a positive professional manner.
  • The ability to work on several tasks at once as well as work with minimal supervision.
  • Flexibility with work schedule maintaining a high level of commitment.
  • The ability to effectively communicate with groups across different departments, sites, and geographies.
  • A proven ability to drive for results, eliminate distractions and place the proper focus on the tasks necessary for success.
  • Ability and willingness to travel internationally.
  • Familiarity and/or experience with the Agile methodology and tools like JIRA, Git, BitBucket, and Confluence.

Qualified candidates will have experience with the following technologies:

  • Linux, Windows
  • Client/Server, Web development methodologies
  • Javascript frameworks :Vue.js, React, Angular etc. with a preference for Angular
  • RDBMS(at least one of MySQL / MSSQL, PostgreSQL), included SQL scripts(T-SQL, PL\SQL…etc)
  • MongoDB
  • ETL Tools(SSIS, Nifi…etc)
  • Agile, Git, Jenkins, DevOps


  • UI / UX design
  • RESTful Web Services and API implementation
  • Big Data technologies and concepts
  • .NET core & ASP.NET with MVC
  • C++, C#, Java, Python, Perl
  • OAuth / OpenID connect
  • SVG
  • Docker Education:

Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science or Information Systems is required. Equivalent experience and other related certifications will be considered.


  1. 固定薪資12個月, 2個月的年終獎金


08:00 ~ 17:00



☆薪資及獎金制度 ☆

  1. 固定薪資12個月, 2個月的年終獎金
  2. 績效獎金(IPP):按公司營運績效及組織目標成效給與。
  3. 績優獎金(PBP):頒給年度績效優異之員工。
  4. 即時獎勵(Spot Bonus/Micron Point):發給工作表現卓越之員工。
  5. 久任獎勵(Service Award):服務每滿五年之員工,可獲頒特別贈品。
  6. 勞工退休金美光提撥率:8%。
  7. 新進員工到職當月即享有特休假(依到職比例),優於勞基法規定。
  8. 全薪病假80小時;政府紀念不放假之紀念日給予特別休假,讓同仁有更多的假期安排。
  9. 員工勞、健保外之免費團體保險(含壽險、意外、健康醫療團體保險)。
  10. 提供員工配偶及子女免費健康醫療團體保險。
    Micron全球人力培訓主要目標是 - 確保每個成員都能夠獲得展現高績效成果所需要的學習資源。Micron提倡標準化的訓練架構,以便根據團隊成員的職位、工作職能、工作角色和執行的特定工作來識別必要和相關的訓練。Micron 的主要訓練架構:
  11. 美光核心職能訓練:包含與法規遵循相關且適用於所有 Micron成員的訓練活動。
  12. 地區性/廠區核心要求:包含與法規遵循相關、適用於特定地區或廠區之所有成員的訓練活動。
  13. 部門核心職能訓練:包含適用於特定部門內所有成員,包含與安全有關以及單位內訓練活動。
  14. 特定工作角色的特定訓練:如領導力訓練、接班人計畫。
  15. 除了一般的訓練方法,美光也利用多元的學習方式來達到人力發展目標,如:自我學習方案、工作輪調、專案參與等。
  16. 健保、勞工保險及團體保險。
  17. 醫務室,具專業護士駐廠並定期提供專科醫師問診。
  18. 生日禮券、生育、婚喪賀奠及急難補助。
  19. 提供多條路線之交通車(生產線直接人員為主)搭乘服務,另有【林口<—>台北】以及【林口<—>新竹】(含間接人員)等路線。
  20. 舉辦大型旅遊及康樂活動。
  21. 設施完善的停車場。
  22. 員工餐廳及便利商店。
  23. 社團經費補助。
  24. 開放式圖書閱覽室以及健身房。
  25. 設備完善的電腦教室與訓練教室。
  26. 員工單身宿舍。


意者請將履歷寄送至 chrishuang@micron.com 註記從Angular Taiwan Forum看到此職缺,我們會直接內部推薦審核。