[代PO] Web Technology Summit - 中國杭州 - 2018/11/29~30

中國 Angular 社群也在今年辦第一場活動,現在在進行 CFP,以下資訊

時間: 11/29~30, 2018
地點: 杭州
活動人數: 300~500
第一天為演講分享,時間為 30 或 60 分鐘
第二天是 Workshop 日,2 小時或半天
CFP 網址: (截止日: 09/14/2018)

Core concepts of Angular and other frontend technologies

  1. Angular features
  2. Angular CLI/schematics
  3. AOT, Universal, PWA, service workers
  4. Performance & best practices
  5. ES6/TypeScript
  6. VS Code and other tooling

Component libraries for enterprises and mobile apps

  1. VMWare Clarity
  2. PrimeNG
  3. Ionic
  4. NativeScript

Cloud computing

  1. Docker / Kubernetes
  2. Cloud computing platforms (e. g. GCP/Azure/Alibaba Cloud/AWS/VMware)

● A free ticket to the conference

● Three nights of accommodation at the conference or nearby hotel
● Economy travel expenses
● Visits to tech companies in Hangzhou including Alibaba

更多資訊可以參閱附件 pdf 檔案
Call for proposal – Web Technology Summit China.pdf (74.5 KB)